Visual storytelling is a new component in a brand’s strategy.
Join us and relax, have fun as we take you on a future journey with great visuals that tell new stories to the web .
Humans are hardwired to be visual first and verbal second.A study by John Medina, a developmental molecular biologist,
found that people only remember 10 percent of what they hear.However, when pictures accompany the verbal information,our recall jumps to 65 percent.
Where does video fit into this visual storytelling equation?
Using video gives customers a better overview of the company’s products. According to Invodo,Step2 shoppers who viewed their product videos were 174% more likely to
purchase than shoppers who did not.
Visual storytelling helps customers make informed decisions,while increasing revenues for businesses.
Key Message: Humans respond better to visual aids than text.
Give your customers an opportunity to literally see your brand messaging.